Your Sunday Compass to Successful Design

Arjun Phlox

Karthi Subbaraman
A bit of backstory…
Welcome to the first edition of Digital Design Compass: Weekly Newsletter! This is a collaborative initiative where seasoned Design Experts in the industry share their knowledge and insights with Designers at all levels bringing clarity in navigating Digital Design.
We start here with first week aiming to go upto 100 weeks to answer as many questions as possible, all for FREE of cost.
So what's the plan?
Before we delve into answering 40+ amazing questions we've received so far, here's our plan of action for several weeks to come, in Karthi's words…
Here are the highlights of what this Newsletter will bring to you every week:
→ The newsletter will be sent every Sunday covering both Career and Competence aspects.
→ Questions will be answered in either Verbal or Visual or Voice or Videoformats as necessary.
→ The questions that get asked a lot which are also important, will be prioritised.
→ The question or topic area for the next week will be shared ahead so you know what's lined up.
→ Future editions will have multiple Design Experts contributing with their specific nuanced insights.
→ DDC may evolve to include Book Reviews and Interviews with eminent Designers in future.
What's next?
Our first responses to questions will start next week which are about the following aspects:
How to grow as a Designer in any Organisation and what are the Career Paths.
What the Design Process is and where to start in the maze of real world scenarios.
"Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers."
— Tony Robbins
Author, Coach for Personal Development
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