Welcome to the 18th Issue of Design Vitamins πŸ’Š
If you want to access the previous issues, you can check them out in this link.

Let's jump into it to get our weekly fix now, click on a toggle to read more ⬇️

Five Finds of the week

  1. Animation basics tutorial by Figma (Try Now πŸ› οΈ)

  2. Shaper - a figma plugin for common shapes (Play Now πŸ”—)

  3. The Rapture landing page UI Kit (View πŸ”—)

  4. Random Ice Breakers - Figma plugin (Check it out πŸ”—)

  5. Pika Icon Library (Try Now πŸ”—)

Four Things to Read, See and Hear this week

  1. Nail responsive design with these 10 Key points (View Guide πŸ”–)

  2. How Spotify Designed a New Homepage Experience (View Article πŸ“Ί)

  3. Making the case to your leadership team on your design (View Guide πŸ“–)

  4. Clemens Morris Design Portfolio (View Portfolio πŸ“œ)

Three Things to Try this week

  1. Workspaces.xyz - work desk inspiration (Check Now πŸ”—)

  2. Fix Pinch bug for Figma on Macbook with this handy tool (Try Tool πŸ”—)

  3. Caption - Mac app for finding the right subtitles (Check Now πŸ”—)

Two UI Breakdowns of the week

πŸ˜„Every week, we'll dissect an application/webapp and distill it down to two UI learnings we can take away from that app. 

This week's chosen Application is Codepoint

Codepoint is a free indie mac-app that helps you find that unicode characters or glyphs, emojis quickly. All characters are neatly categorised and you can export them as symbols, string, hexadecimals, etc all these one tidy app.

Breakdown #1

The point of any application is to help users with a need. The need the app solves is to help people who focus on making pixel products or write code access glyphs. Finding glyphs is confusing on the internet. Codepoint solves this by providing actions like copy paste, etc in one single place.

🧠This app is a great example of how needs can be met & visualised in a simple and efficient manner.

See how the app meets needs in just one breakdown ‡

Breakdown #2

Learning about a glyph allows users to utilise a Glyph better in any context. Codepoint shows the glyph height with clear indicators. Quick actions are also shown so users can copy paste on the phone too.

🧠These visual indicators show how well the product understands its users and their need to learn deeper of the Glyphs.

See how it works on the phone too ‡