3 min
Acquiring Skills through Imitation
"So, I imagine that this will become a self-paced journey when I do this and as I pick up the tool level skills and understand how to put across something using a tool. At what point should I go ahead and pick up a skill set or understand more about the aspects that you mentioned around how to make a machine or the value proposition or human nature or research how is that structure going to be which will at the end of the hundred days as you mentioned or let us say six months that I have put together?"
"You already started picking right when you are imitating itself you are asking questions you are not blindly imitating you will start with blind imitation that is okay but you will start asking questions why did this why did this feature get designed like this why am I seeing the map like this oh when I zoom into the map I see that map shows me more details and details and details and more I zoom I am able to see more properties and these are some treasures that you will learn on the go and when you are documenting all of them you are already learning."
Seeking Expert Insights
"If you have a specific question and if you go ahead and show your portfolio and ask a senior designer from the community saying I have this question I have this debate don't take three four hours of their time just send a crisp question to them and say why do you think this is happening here is a problem that I am struggling with and why do you think this is happening they will send you back a five minute crisp answer maybe 15 minutes but that's about it."
Gradual Skill Development
"So your ability to network people respect you when you respect their time and these are all things that you can start doing suddenly your skill level slowly becomes better it's like weight loss right you'll not be able to see that your stomach is going zoop zoop zoop inside no it doesn't it slowly goes down over a period of you know time."
Process Goals vs. Outcome Goals
"I kind of divide them into two types of goals one is a process goal and two is an outcome goal the process goal is to do that to our work every day and the process goal is to okay today I'm going to imitate this this block is about Airbnb this block is about whatsapp this block is about probably uber I don't know whatever you like and you can start saying that oh okay in this block I learned this this this and this so your outcome is a detailed documentation a thesis of that particular app."
Avoiding Premature Freelancing
"I have not seen somebody be so meticulous about their learning and suddenly you know while learning itself they all want to pick up projects and start earning and as a result of it they stop the learning journey because when you are picking up if somebody is paying you something they are going to demand something out of you it is not going to be in line with your learning path."