
1 min

Publish using a Free Custom Domain

By default, your website will be hosted on a framer.app subdomain. This domain cannot be customised.

When you add a free Framer subdomain and Framer will set up the DNS settings automatically for you so your new domain will be live within seconds. Simply type in the substring in the input field, select between the framer.websiteframer.photosframer.media, and framer.wiki options, and submit.

Publish using your Custom Domain

With Framer, you can instantly publish you site onto the web to a Framer subdomain or a third party custom domain. This needs a paid plan to get started (Check about Pricing →)

Publishing your project will make your website securely accessible to everyone on the web.

  • Simply click on the “Publish” button on the top right to begin hosting your website.

  • Once your website has been published, you will be able to access the URL through the Publish Layer.

  • Clicking on “Update” will publish any changes you’ve made to your project to the website.

Also, you can use this Code & Link to get a 3 Months off a Pro Plan: PARTNER25PROYEARLY