
1 min

Is your framer site responsive enough? 👀

If you build Framer sites, you may notice, the default breakpoints don't always work. Your Laptop may show site layout of Tablet. Your Tablets may show site layout of Mobile. 🙈

Well, no more gripes! Introducing Framer Flex Start ↓↓

Framer Flex Start is a starter template designed for Framer to achieve "seamless responsiveness" on your site. ✨ You don't have to fiddle with breakpoints every time and go through the pain of addressing device resolutions for each project. 🙄

The Framework behind the Template is backed with a mix of our experience (@teamnocoloco) in building for various businesses, individuals for over 1.5 yrs and some public data (thanks to @Wikipedia and @johannes_holl). ✨

The goal of the Framework, is to address most common "Resolutions" across all devices (Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Mobiles) with minimal effort involved in maintaining "Breakpoints". 💪🏼 If you're wondering what's the difference, check out my article on TWITTER↗. 🙂

Ready to start your site on a better note? 🚀