Starting from Scratch: A Beginner's Perspective on Design

Arjun Phlox

Karthi Subbaraman
The Universal Challenge of New Fields
"If you are an absolute beginner, it means that you are still learning the spelling for design, let us say, right? And if you want to get into this new field, every field is overwhelming, every field. You touch gardening to cooking to cocktail making to, you know, rearing silkworms to anything for that matter. Every field is deep and it has nuances, it has masteries, it has specificities to that particular subject."
The Unique Advantage in Design
"Design in my opinion is one of the easier subjects for all the reasons that I mentioned before. One, you are a human being and you are designing for human beings and you work with human beings and together we design and make our life simpler."
The Human-Centric Nature of Design
"So, probably if you were a tiger and you were designing for a human being, it would be hard for you to understand a human or as a human you are trying to design for a tiger or a cat or a, you know, dog, it would be different because you are not a dog, you did not live a life of a dog, so it is harder. But because you are a human, it would be far easier for you to understand."
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